This subject is close to the hearts of many Muslims, and so, let's look at what is acceptable in an Islamic context of man on / boy love.
Quran 52:24
Also in Surah 76:19 Allah promises fresh youths to Muslim men:
"...And round about them shall go youths never altering in age; when you see them you will think them to be scattered pearls..."Before we begin, you have to understand is that Western, man-made legal systems, put all the stress on the protection of the weaker members of the society, especially women and children. However, this is for Muslims the first fallacy of secular laws.
Infidels put stress on on protecting those that cannot wage Jihad, and have little use to Allah other than making babies and serving Muslim men.
Whereas in the case of the Islamic legal system it is the opposite. Allah (through Muhammad) created the Islamic legal system (Sharia) to benefit those that fight in his name, namely Sharia is in the service of strong virile, productive men. For Muslims, Allah is merciful, as he is gernerous in bestowing rights and the bounty of pleasures for those that fight in his Jihad.
In the verses about the beautiful youth of paradise, he nurtured in Muslims, a liking for sodomizing young boys. (see the Quranic quotes at the top of this post). All Muslims know that homosexuality is forbidden, however, this infraction is less serious than fornication with an unwed girl.
As you see Allah likened the young boys to pearls, in the same way as he did with Houris, pearl in Arabic poetry is a feminine sexual symbol. Islam considers boys and women as of the same gender hence a woman is considered a minor all her life in Islam (first she is the property of her father, then, her husband, and finally her son).
A woman is never considered an "adult" in the Western sense. Thus the confusion. However the feminine status of a boy is temporary and it ends with growing a beard. Islam does not consider it as sexual abuse but rather mere PLAY as described in the following hadeeth, narrated in the authentic hadiths of Bukhari.
However, there are, as with everything rules surrounding pederasty. If a Muslim man sodomizes a young boy, he is not permitted to marry his mother. See this hadith at: The Sahih Collection of al-Bukhari - Book of Marriage - SunniPath .
"...As for whom ever plays with a boy: if there is full penetration, then he shall not marry his mother..."
"He who claims that he experiences no sexual desire when looking at beautiful young boys is a liar."
Indeed, this pederasty is a practice that has been in place for 1400 years with Allah's blessing. However, you will see that there are Western forces out to malign and insult Islam, and in the endless oppression, infidels are trying to put an end to that which Allah has permitted.
Recently, in Pakistan there were over 500 cases of Islamic man on boy love "reported" in Islamic schools, and this was revealed by Aamer Liaquat Hussain, a minister in the religious affairs Pakistani Minister. This is on top of the 2000 reports last year. NO pious MUSLIM has been successfully prosecuted. This "slanderer of Islam" and the practices of the Messenger and that which Allah has made halal, has received death threats from clerics, and infuriated some religious political leaders.
Moreover, Islamic leaders recently at a parliamentary meeting, have demanded he apologize for insulting Islam!
If there is no beard. It is not a man. Therefore it is not homosexuality, and totally within the rights of a Muslim man to take little boys, sodomize them and use them in the manner that Allah has pre-ordained.
h/t K. Tachumukhammet
I'm for this :D
ReplyDeleteI BET YOU ARE, SICK FUCK... :(
ReplyDeleteWhat a weird toxic contradictory religion that needs to be exterminated.
ReplyDeleteagree totally just a load of pedos
ReplyDeleteFuck islaam
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ReplyDeleteIslam is all about exterminating Jews and Christians. It is a religion that was designed, taught and carried out by the Illuminati, who long have been seeking a way to remove all Christians and Jews from the planet, so they will have no opposition to the way they choose to live their evil lives.