Monday, April 26, 2010

54 percent of Danish Children are Illegitimate

Saudi Author Dr. Muhammad Al-Arifi (aired on Al Risala TV - Saudi Arabia) while spelling out the social superiority of Islamic states drops the statistic to end all statistics.

For those Danish women (as the good doctor explains) who are not engaged in a sexual relationship with animals - at the moment, only 46 % of Danish children that are born at any given time are legitimate.

However, please dear readers do not be confused.

The other 54 percent of all children born to White Danish women are not illegitimate in the sense of "... a girl getting pregnant and having a baby with her boyfriend."

No, no.

Our Danish lady friends are far to libidinous and decadent for such small details.

"... it refers to women who give birth at the hospital, and when the doctor asks under whose name the baby should be registered, she says:

I don't know?

It might be the doorman?
It might be a company director?
It might be the clerk or the taxi driver?
.... I don't know?..."

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