Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Muslim Women Oppose a Ban on Child Marriage because of the Example of Muhammad

In Islam, Allah's Messenger in his late 50s married his child bride Aisha at 6 and consummated the union when she was 9.

(from the authentic hadiths of
Muslim (8:3309) / Bukhari 58:234 )

As Muhammad is considered by Muslims (including the millions upon millions who are immigrating to the West) as the "perfect man" whose example is to be emulated for all time, child marriage is thus a sacrosanct part of all four schools of Sharia.

Please review this video of
Dr. Ahmad Al-Mub'i, a Saudi marriage officiate who declared that a girl can be married at the age of one if sex is postponed. In an interview aired on LBC TV in June, he advised following the example set by the Prophet Mohammed, who married a six year old girl Aisha and had sex with her when she reached the age of nine.

This is, far from being an "extremist" interpretation of Islam is not only widespread but pervasive not only in the Islamic world:

Muslim girl attempted suicide at 11 because of pedophilia.

Women's Rights in Islam: Divorced at 10

Women's Rights in Islam: Sex with Infant Girls

This practice of Islamic child marriage is also part of the cultural enrichment that massive immigration by Muslims to the West has brought:

Child brides in New Zealand

Canada: Muslim child brides on rise

Canada: Immigration: 'Child bride' loophole can't be closed

Muslim Child Brides in Britain

Are just a few of the endless examples of this Islamic practice creeping into the West.

Now under pressure from Western Governments (who turn a blind eye to this Most Islamic of practices) because of a recent incident that brought this to the attention the the slumbering West:

12-Year-Old Girl Dies While Giving Birth In Yemen

As a result, which was reported in
CNN, the Huffington Post , and the Straights Times among an assorted number of other news outlets:

"...THOUSANDS of Yemeni women, their faces covered in religious veils, demonstrated outside the parliament on Sunday to oppose proposed legislation banning the marriage of girls under 17.

The protesters held up banners proclaiming 'don't ban what Allah made permissible,' or 'stop violating Islamic sharia law in the name of rights and freedoms,' an AFP correspondent said. Answering calls by Muslim clerics who oppose the proposal on grounds it goes against Islamic sharia law..."

Or, see the video of the demonstration here
(with subtitles):

This is Islam.

This is Europe and the Wests' future.

Is your daughter ready?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Female Genital Mutilation: Muhammad's Gift to Womankind

In the West, there is a blanketed prohibition of associating Islam with the barbaric practices that are carried out in Muslim countries (and as is the case more and more often in the West itself).

In fact, you will even find Western (so-called) feminists apologists, who on the one - hand decry the Islamic practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), but demonize any poor soul that makes the connection to Islam.

Even worse, many of the Muslims living in the West pretend that this has nothing to do with Islam.

Now, let us look at the facts:

For example, we know, Muhammad issued a blanket prohibition
FOR ALL TIME against:

1) eating pork
2) drinking alcohol. (etc...)

Thus, Muslims do not eat pork or drink alcohol.

Even the Prophet’s dislike for dogs has been translated into these animals becoming unclean in the eyes of believers.

HE DID NOT forbid female genital mutilation.

Instead he encouraged his followers not to perform the most radical form of mutilation (infibulation) [– this would be type III in this diagram-] ……telling them in his sunna not to “overdo it.”

Book 41, Number 5251:Narrated Umm Atiyyah al-Ansariyyah:
"…When you circumcise then do not cut severely, since that is better for her and more pleasing to the husband." (Reported by Abu Dawud and Al-Baihaqee and declared Hasan by Shaikh Al-Albani)…”
"Better for the woman and more pleasing for the husband" and that it is "Better of the face and more pleasing to the husband." (Reported by Al-Baihaqee)

Thus we Muslims have the practice known as “sunna circumcision.”

Today, M
uhammad’s statements (sunna) continue to be cited in support of this most Islamic of traditions. According to the Shafi school of Islamic law, which is followed by Somalis (among others), it is an obligation to “circumcise” girls for their own good.

For another look at the previous hadiths, as well as the following quotes, please see the Islamic website “The Muslim Woman.”

At this site, you will find among other things, the
JUSTIFICATION (by Muslim WOMEN) of FGM as it practiced on Muslim women. In fact, you will find these Muslim women very much IN FAVOUR of FGM:

"…A further benefit that is apparent for women and more so for their husbands, is that women of hot climates often have a large clitoris which arouses their desires when it rubs against the adjacent clothing.
It may even grow to such a size that sexual intercourse is not possible. Therefore, circumcision reduces her desires and their effects in the first case, and makes intercourse possible in the second case...”

In Islam, FGM is among the most beneficial procedures a Muslim woman can undergo.

As we can see from another well respected Islamic site:
Islam online, where the renowned Muslim scholar and Sheik Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, (who is the "spiritual leader" of the Muslim Brotherhood (the largest Muslim organization in the world with umbrella groups like Hamas and the Council of American Islamic Relations -CAIR) explains why he would personally mutilate the genitals of his daughters:

“…whoever finds it serving the interest of his daughters should do it, and I personally support this under the current circumstances in the modern world…”

Thus, as we know,
97% of Egyptian women (and in some areas 99% of Muslim women) have had their genitals mutilated as stipulated by the Prophet of Islam- Muhammad.

And from the following article, you can see that Muslims stand behind this most Islamic of practices, and wonder how on earth infidels could be upset by the fact a 4 year old girl, while having her clitoris chopped off, and subsequently died is anything other than
“…the will of Allah…”…?

Egyptians Stand By Female Circumcision ]

For any of you that wish to see the work of Islam in maintaining the dignity of Muslim women,
please see the link.
(CAUTION: Not for those that are squeamish or offended by the GLORY of Islam).

Those that still are trying to besmirch the good name of Islam with lies, may also be interested in the opinions of the Muslim women themselves (with regards to FGM as practiced in Egypt where 97% of women have undergone this holy Islamic proceedure).


Partial Transcript:

Female villager:
Circumcision is part of the Sunna of the Prophet.We used to bring a daya, and she would circumcise the children, but when the role of the daya was abolished, we stopped. Now we take our children to the doctor, and he circumcises them.


Female villager:
Yes. If a girl is not circumcised, she can't stand it.When she is circumcised, she is calm and has self-restraint. The circumcision protects the girl and makes her calm.


So you think all women should be circumcised to protect their honor?

Female villager:
The Prophet said that the men go and wage Jihad for a year. He said that girls should be circumcised so they can bear it for a whole year until the men return.

In fact, as with almost all things concerning Islam, it is men that make the decisions for women. As for most Muslims, they cannot see what all the fuss is about, and for most Muslim men "... it's no big deal..."

Women's Rights in Islam: Female Genital Mutilation

Thus, can one really say that Islam and the teachings of the prophet Muhammad really have nothing to do with this practice?

How can one say that Islam doesn't endorse this practice, where the spiritual leader of the largest Islamic organisation on the planet says that it does, the women with mulitlated genitals also say that it does, as does the Muhammad himself?

This is the JUSTICE that Islam provides women.

The Fruit of Muhammad's Sexual Urges

Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam as we have seen (here, here and here), had real problems controlling his sexual urges.
Whether it was with his many wives, sex slaves and even with children.

However, because he is emulated as the "perfect man" we can see his sexual perversion's manifest in the dysfunctional societies that litter the Muslim world.

The following set of videos have one theme: Islamic Sanctioned Sexual Abuse of Children.

(Caution: Videos are Shocking -- not for the faint of heart).

Muslim girl attempted suicide at 11 because of pedophilia.

Women's Rights in Islam: Child Bride

Women's Rights in Islam: Divorced at 10

Women's Rights in Islam: Divorced at 10 (cont.)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Google Suggest Strips Muhammad Naked

Google Suggest is something most Internet users are familiar with.

From their website:

As you type, Google Suggest communicates with Google and comes back with the suggestions we show. If you're signed in to your Google Account and have Web History enabled, suggestions are drawn from searches you've done,searches done by users all over the world, sites in our search index, and ads in our advertising network.
As we can see, most people when not being forced to toe the line of multiculturalism seem to have not only formed their opinion of the Prophet Muhammad (and it is extremely un-Politically Correct), but are becoming more astute in their understanding of Islam (based on the actions of Muslims - and for some, the reading of his life's work).

Try it yourself:
Muhammad is ....
Islam is ...
Now compare the above screen grabs with other searches of a similar vein (again, try it yourself):

*Buddha is...

Jesus is...

Draw your own conclusions, however it would appear that the yolk of forced cultural appeasement that citizens of Western countries live under, masks the true sentiment the most of the population have for this profoundly hostile ideology.

*Note: Buddha (Buddhism) is just as alien to traditional Western countries, but look at the difference in perception that people in the Anglosphere have toward the founders of these two, very different faiths.

Muhammad's Legacy of Child Sexual Abuse

Muhammad as we have seen in previous posts (
here, here and here) was a man who could not restrain his voracious sexual urges.

We do know that Muhammad had a special penchant for sexual encounters with children as we can glean from the authentic hadiths of his life:
Muslim (8:3309) - Muhammad consummated his marriage to Aisha when she was only nine. (See also Bukhari 58:234)

Muslim (8:3311) - Aisha took her dolls with her to Muhammad's house (something to play with when the "prophet" was not molesting her).

Bukhari (6:298) - Muhammad would take a bath with the little girl and fondle her.

He even encouraged his followers to molest children:

Muslim (8:3460) - "Why didn't you marry a young girl so that you could sport with her and she could sport with you, or you could amuse with her and she could amuse with you?"Muhammad posed this question to one of his followers who had married an "older woman" instead.

Now, how does Muhammad's molestation of children translate to how Islam is practiced by Muslims today?

Please view the video below, aired on LBC TV (Lebanon) - June 19, 2008.

Dr. Ahmad Al-Mub'i, a Saudi Marriage Officiant:

"...It Is Allowed to Marry a Girl at the Age of One, If Sex Is postponed. The Prophet Muhammad, Whose Model We Follow, Married 'Aisha When She Was Six and Had Sex with Her When She Was Nine..."
It Is Allowed to Marry a Girl at the Age of One

Muhammad and the Holy Islamic Art of Stoning

Stoning a human being to death has a long and prominent place in Islamic History. In Islam, stoning (which is the penalty for committing adultery out of wedlock and for SEX SLAVES that defy their masters). It is the only capital punishment which requires four eye-witness "accusers" to state that they saw the defendants sexually interact (this particular point will be discussed at length in future posts).

To understand the rational behind stoning, one must yet again look to the example of Muhammad.

In Bukhari (6:60:79) - Two people guilty of "illegal intercourse" are brought to Muhammad, who commands that they both be stoned. Apparently their act was out of love, however, since the verse records the man as trying to shield the woman from the stones, but this did not matter and both of them were slain on Muhammads command.

But, there is more, to understand Sharia and Stoning we must look to the example set by Muhammad:

Muslim (17:4196) - A married man confesses that he has adultery (four times, as required). Muhammad orders him planted in the ground and pelted with stones. According to the passage, the first several stones caused such pain that he tried to escape and was dragged back.

Muslim (17:4206) - A woman who became pregnant confesses to Muhammad that she is guilty of adultery. Muhammad allows her to have the child, then has her stoned (the description is graphic).

Muslim (17:4209) - A woman confesses adultery and is stoned to death on Muhammad's order.

Ibn Ishaq (970) - "The adulterer must be stoned." These words were a part of Muhammad's farewell address to his people on the occasion of his final pilgrimage to Mecca.

Based on Muhammad's example, stoning is a part of Sharia that can never be repudiated.

In strict Sharia-governed countries, stoning is still widely practiced in:
  • Afghanistan,
  • Nigeria,
  • Iran,
  • Somalia,
  • Saudi Arabia,
  • the Sudan,
  • and the United Arab Emirates.
To understand the JUSTICE that Islam provides, please view the photographs below, Mohamed Abukar Ibrahim, 48, a Somali man accused of adultery, was buried in a hole up to his chest and then pelted with rocks by fighters from the rebel group Hizbul Islam.

-pic 1 before the Holy Islamic Stoning,
-pic 2 with Mosaic (obscuring Allah's compassion)
-pic 3 Sharia Triumphant.

Muhammad’s 22 Women (--that we know of )

Muhammad was a sexual glutton, the likes of which is rarely seen even in the crudest of tyrants, let alone, a "Prophet of God."

We have seen in previous posts, how his uncontrollable sexual urges have spelled disaster for countless people, throughout the centuries. Let us now take a look at Muhammad, and the "women he loved."

Muhammad’s 16 Wives:

1. Khadija

2. Sawda

3. Aesha

4. Omm Salama

5. Halsa

6. Zaynab (of Jahsh)

7. Jowayriyi

8. Omm Habiba

9. Safiya

10. Maymuna (of Hareth)

11. Fatema

12. Hend

13. Asma (of Saba)

14. Zaynab (of Khozayma)

15. Habla

16. Asma (of Noman)

Muhammad’s two Sex Slaves (for Muhammad's views on Sexual Slavery see: here and here).

1. Mary (the Christian)
2. Rayhana

Muhammad’s 4 devoted followers who who "gave" themselves to satisfy Muhammad's sexual desires.

1. Omm Sharik
2. Maymuna
3. Zaynab (a third one)
4. Khawla

Allah's Messenger must really of enjoyed his "Prophethood."

Sexual Slavery and Islam: A Scholars View


In the previous post, Muhammad - The Rapist, we learn that the Prophet of Islam, not only condones the taking of Slaves to abuse sexually, but he encouraged his men to do so. For Muslims, Muhammad, the Apostle of Allah, was a slave trader. He bought, sold, traded and allowed sexual rights (for Moslem men) over other human beings.

None of this is in question, and will be explored more fully in future posts.

However, rather than dwell on the enormous evidence of Muhammad's encouragement of SLAVERY, let us look to the at the judgement of
Sharia Scholars (the Mufti Ebrahim Desai from the most respected organisation:, the online fatwa resource) in 2010 to see how Muhammad's penchant for rape is translated into action by Muslims today.

Please witness the Fruits of Islam and the and what Muslims believe to be the
GLORIOUS benifits that Allah has bestowed upon Muslim men in relation to their ISLAMIC RIGHT to own and use FEMALE SEX SLAVES.

And while many a Muslim may try and Squeal foul, please read the quote the illustrious and respected Mufti himself:

"...It may, superficially, appear distasteful to copulate with a woman who is not a man's legal wife, but once Shariat makes something lawful, we have to accept it as lawful, whether it appeals to our taste, or not; and whether we know its underlying wisdom or not. It is necessary for a Muslim to be acquainted with the laws of Shariat, but it is not necessary for him to delve into each law in order to find the underlying wisdom of these laws because knowledge of the wisdom of some of the laws may be beyond his puny comprehension...." (Under Islamic law, people can be legal possessions).
...Nevertheless, the wisdom underlying the permission granted by Shariat to copulate with a slave woman is as follows: The LEGAL possession that a Muslim receives over a slave woman from the Ameerul-Mu'mineen (the Islamic Head of State) gives him legal credence to have coitus with the slave woman in his possession, just as the marriage ceremony gives him legal credence to have coition with his wife."

Thus, we can see, by using the example of Muhammad, Muslims,
Will this be the future or Europe's daughters?
Only time and more Islamic immigration will tell.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Muhammed - the Rapist

Several studies show that the majority of RAPISTS (see Norway and in Sweden) in Scandinavian countries are immigrants from the Third World. These immigrants are more often than not, from Muslim countries.

This means, that Muslims, who have been given refuge in safe, peaceful country return this generosity by raping the daughters of their saviours.

This of course is higly un-Islamic!

Have we not been told, over and over again, that Mohammed was a gentle man who never inspired violence in his followers, and who never hurt a living soul!

I’m afarid we’ve been lied to. Mohammed himself – the man Muslims consider the perfect human being – was strongly in favor of sexually exploiting his female prisoners of war:

Sahih Muslim, book 8, 3371:

“We went out with Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) on the expedition to the Bi'l-Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired them, for we were suffering from the absence of our wives, (but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them. So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them but by observing 'azl (Withdrawing the male sexual organ before emission of semen to avoid-conception)”

Did Mohammed tell them not to rape the female prisoners?

No, he did not. His only reply was:

“It does not matter if you do not do it, for every soul that is to be born up to the Day of Resurrection will be born.”

So – he left it up to his men, not only to rape female captives, but also to decide to risk impregnating them or not. A female slave looses value when pregnant you see....thus the concern!

The ‘prophet’ of the Muslims tolerates not just slavery, but also rape.